Thursday 26 September 2013

Professional Frameworks brief!

Yesterday I received a new brief to start off the final year of my Photography course, the brief is for professional frameworks 3. For this module I have to fill out a personal development plan, in which I state a few of the diffetent areas/ things I feel that I could or need to improve on within the subject area . I then need to take the points that I have stated and put them into practice, achieving the goals that I have set myself to gain more knowledge and understanding of certain things by the time this module comes to an end. I will be using this blog as a way of informing of the things that I have done, as well as explaining how I have gone about them and the knowledge and experiences that I have gained throughout the module.

I feel that this module is a good way to develop new and existing skills, its an easy way to put the different things that I am not as good at into practice - a good way to gain experiences.

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