Wednesday 7 May 2014

PDP points.

I have successfully managed to complete some of the points that are on my personal development plan. However there are a couple of points that i have not yet completed but ones that i am going to continue working on so that i can benefit from them as much as i have from the points that i have managed to complete at this moment in time.

The five areas that i have been focusing on are:

1. my photography website
2. business cards
3. my physical portfolio
4. updating and finishing off my CV
5. actively looking for photography jobs.

I have managed to meet my target deadline for points 1, 3 and 4. I am going to continuously work on points 2 and 5 as i can definitely benefit from them in the future. 

1. Photography website.

I successfully completed my photography website near the end of April, my target date for this development points way May so i am happy that i have managed to get it done even before the target deadline that i set myself.

I must admit i encountered a few different problems when putting my site together from the layout not functioning the way i wanted it too, to my domain name not successfully changing over. But i got there in the end and i must say i am actually pleased with how it looks. I think it works well in displaying my work and my capabilities within my chosen area of nature and landscape photography.
It is an easily navigated website with simple and function-able links that break my work down into subject fields. I have my basic contact information on there as well as a short artist statement that allows the viewer to gain a basic understanding of who i am and what i do. There are also links to numerous of my social media sites where different work' can be seen.

2. Business cards.

Originally i wanted to have business cards printed up by the time my university course was over, however this was not the suitable option as i started to work on the design more and more. I realised that if i were to have them printed up now, i couldn't put all of the information that i wanted to be on them on, as i don't have a degree at this present moment but if i wait until i do hopefully get my degree i can have that printed on them so people are aware that i have a degree within the photographic field.

Although there is this slight hiccup i have come up with some designs that i think work quite well and am going to keep working on and move forward with when it comes to getting my business cards printed up in the near future.

3. Physical portfolio.

As well as having the website acting as my digital portfolio i also want to have a physical portfolio because different types of people prefer to view your work in different forms and this allows me to have access to a couple of different ways.

I have had numerous photographs printed up to a size of A4 and have purchased a black portfolio box that my images will sit in. This allows the potential viewer of my images to view them and make selections, grouping images together and such things.

4. Photography C.V.

So that i had a better chance when applying for photography jobs i wanted to make sure that my CV was fully up to date and completed by the time i finished university. This is a point that i aimed to have completed by the middle of May but i have managed to get it completed nearer to the end of April. I have updated the information on the existing CV that i had and added in the new experiences that i have gained in the past few months.

5. Looking for photography jobs.

I have been actively looking for photography jobs over the past few months and i am going to carry on doing so in the future. I am still not fully sure on whether i want to stick with photography as a career purely because it is so hard to find a job of interest to me with my having such a specific interest within photography. However, i am still going to keep browsing the job sites to see the different opportunities that are out there and see if there is anything that interests me.

Personal Development Plan

What are my development
What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives?
What support/resources do I need to achieve my objectives?
Target date for achieving my objectives
Actual date of achieving my  objectives
Photography website
Design a functional easily navigated website that showcases my photography - can be used as a portfolio.
Find a suitable web page to host my site, learn how to use the websites design features, buy a domain name.
May 2014
April 2014
Business cards
Design cards that have the necessary contact information and  show my interest within the photographic field
Designing the card layout and appearance. A place to get them printed.
April 2014
Sort through my recent photography work and get images printed, chose appropriate sizes. Also sort out how they will be presented.
Getting my photographs printed and buying a portfolio box/ other way of presenting images.
May 2014
April 2014
Put together a photography job specific CV for use when applying for photography jobs.
Putting together and listing all of my aims, objectives and experiences that will promote my work.
May 2014
May 2014
Look for photography jobs
Search various job sites to look for different types of photography based jobs that are available.
Browsing different websites to see what is out there regularly.

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