Thursday 24 October 2013

Software - Adobe Premiere.

In my personal development plan I have stated that I would like to learn how to use new and different software to what I have been used to in the past few years. This was a good point to state as we have started to use Adobe Premiere for another brief that we have. I have never used this software before and it is something that is totally new to me, I can't really say that I have an interest, nor will i have an interest again to produce a time based piece using video - therefore im not sure that I will ever use this software again but it is good that I have this time to learn how to use it, getting advice from my tutors on how to navigate the software as well as simply learning my own way around it but messing around with it to see what different things can be done.

To start with we had a tutorial in which I was taught some of the basics of the software -


Things like how to open a new sequence where you create your video, a little bit about the video sizes and such, how to import image and video files into premiere to work with, how to select the video and audio files and adding them to the time piece, using the video or the sound only. The little markers that help you to define the areas of a video to select and a bit about the different audio and video effects that are available on the programme itself. 

Having been shown in the simplest way possible how to use the software i must admit that I was still pretty mind boggled and confused with the software. However as I have been messing around with the software over the past few days i have gained a better understanding of how to use it, obviously i'm not extremely confident with using the software cause there is still things that i don't know but i could manage to piece a video together now and know what i was doing whereas a few weeks ago i would not of had one clue where to start.

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