Friday 1 November 2013

Studio based skills - Lighting

The other day I spent a little bit of time in the studio experimenting with the lighting set up' with Shannon, Becky and Laura. None of us have ever really had that much experience with studio lighting so we wanted to set ourselves the challenge of experimenting with it and seeing what we could come out with. I must admit I am not a fan of working in the studio, therefore its not really something that I have focused much attention on throughout the past few years.

To start with we had a little bit of trouble with the light trigger which ate away at quite a bit of the time slot we had booked in the studio therefore we didn't get as much time as we would have like to experiment with the different types of lighting effects.

For some reason the equipment we had was also very temperamental, one minute it was working fine, the next it wasn't, this was something that we couldn't quite figure out and it was a little bit frustrating.

In this studio session we experimented a little bit with side lighting and here are some of the images that were taken:

During this studio session we only really experimented with one type of lighting, that being side lighting, we were looking at how the position of the light - being at the side of the subject would cause shadow on one side of the face as the light could only get to the side of the subject that was nearest to the source of light. The photos above are all taken using side lighting and were just an experiment using the studio lights.

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