Thursday 17 April 2014


As well as having my online presence which i will also use as a portfolio I also want a printed physical portfolio as some employers prefer to have a physical portfolio as well as or rather than viewing your work online. So I am covering all areas by having both rahter than just one or the other!

I have some photographs that I have had printed up recently, as well as these images there are still some more photos that I want to get printed up to go along with them in my portfolio.

Over the past few weeks and months I have admittedly thought a lot about how to present them in the best way possible. I need something that is going to work for the type of employer that i am targeting.

Because my work is very much nature and landscape based and all based on the outdoors, the viewer has to have a sense of getting up close and personal with the images. They kind of need to be hands on with the photographs that I am providing them with. I feel that this is the best way for them to get a look at my work and to gain a better sense of what I am about when it comes to my photography.

For these reasons I have decided that the best way to present my images would be in a portfolio box. A simply black box that holds my photographers. Therefore the person that is viewing the photographs can take them out and pick out what they like and what they are interested in. It is a way of them being selective and  grouping images together. I just really like the idea of having a portfolio box and how the images are kept and can be seen by a person.

So this is why i have invested in a portfolio box to hold my photographs in, my current portfolio box is A4 size as at the moment i feel that this is what works best but in time i will probably more to a larger scale and therefore invest in more sizes. 

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