Wednesday 9 April 2014


I have updated my personal development plan with a couple more points that i want to work on not necessarily up to the point in which i finish university but in the near future after my study has finished.

At the moment there are a couple of point on my pdp that i have managed to achieve, they are things that i have worked on over the past few months so that i can benefit from having these different points achieved by the time i finish university. Having a completed and up to date CV, a live photography website, business cards with all my useful information on, a physical portfolio for different uses, and being actively looking for photography jobs are all things that I will benefit from as they are not things that i will have to focus on or worry about why i have finished studying, they are all there ready at my disposal and i can give people my information easily.

What are my development
What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives? What support/resources do I need to achieve my objectives? Target date for achieving my objectives Actual date of achieving my  objectives
Photography website Design a functional easily navigated website that showcases my photography - can be used as a portfolio. Find a suitable web page to host my site, learn how to use the websites design features, buy a domain name. May 2014 April 2014
Business cards Design cards that have the necessary contact information and  show my interest within the photographic field Designing the card layout and appearance. A place to get them printed. April 2014 March 2014
PortfolioSort through my recent photography work and get images printed, chose appropriate sizes. Also sort out how they will be presented.Getting my photographs printed and buying a portfolio box/ other way of presenting images. May 2014 April 2014
C.V Put together a photography job specific cv for use when applying for photography jobs. Putting together and listing all of my aims, objectives and experiences that will promote my work. May 2014 May 2014
Look for photography jobs Search various jobsites to look for different types of photography based jobs that are available. Browsing different websites to see what is out there regularly. Ongoing Ongoing

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