Saturday 2 November 2013

Adobe Premiere

Now that I have finished putting together my video and I have had a little bit more time to use this software and more of a change to learn how to navigate it properly and use all it's little tools and such I feel a lot more confident using the software. If I were ever to need to put a video together in the future for certain projects I now feel a lot more confident in the fact that I know how to use this editing software where as I literally wouldn't have known where to start with it a few weeks ago.

I was a little daunted by the fact I had to use a software that I had never used before a few weeks ago, but once I got to grips with it everything was fine. I now know the main important things you need to know to use the software and put a video together. Things like opening a sequence (suitable to the type of video size you want), how to import videos and images into the sequence. Also with videos you can either use both the moving image and sound or just import the sound and vice versa with the moving image. I now know how to piece a video together using both moving image and stills, fading in and fading out, adding in different layers of sounds and adjusting the different volume levels to suit the situation with the image/ moving image.

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