Tuesday 5 November 2013

Reading more books....

Since starting back at university in September I have come to realise that I don't know as much about photographers as I should do considering my course is in its final year!

So something that I wanted to do was broaden my knowledge of photographers and photography itself and I felt that one way I could do this was by reading more and looking at different books. Seeing the different styles of photography and finding out about the different photographers that have taken these images and understanding their working style.

I have started to read different books and look at different photographers work, I have read On Photography by Susan Sontag, started to look at The Key Concepts in Photography by David Bate as well as Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes both of which I am still reading and working my way through.

I have the book Art Photography Now by Susan Bright which I have looked through to see different photographers work.

The Photo Book - From cover to cover filled with different photographers work. This is a great book for finding out about different photographers work and their style. I have had this book for a long time but never really seem to take any notice of it but it is now my go to book for finding new and inspiring photographers work as it is everything you need all in one place!

I still feel like I have a lot more to learn about different photographers and this is something that I am definitely going to work on and progress within the next few months so that I have a better understanding and better knowledge of lots of different photographers work by the time I finish this course next year.

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