Tuesday 26 November 2013


Like mentioned in a previous post reading more books is something that I wanted to focus on achieving with this personal development plan. Over the past few weeks/ months I have read a lot of different books whether it be just a couple of chapters or the whole of the book to help gain a bit more understanding of everything. The books that I have been looking at and reading are not just necessarily photographer based though, i have been looking at a lot of different subjects and just really trying to gain a better understanding of a lot of things to do with photography and the way things work.

With my dissertation being within the stage of research and beginning of being written I have been reading a lot of books for that so I have gained a good amount of knowledge from looking at the different books for that. The type of thing that I have been looking at are the culture of photography and how we are affected by it with things such as manipulation and editing. So as well as reading about photographers and reading books by the likes of Sontag and Burger I have been gaining knowledge from various books and sources.

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