Monday 18 November 2013


One of the development points that I have put on my development plan is that I want to keep up to date with my blogs but adding more information and research to them as I go along, making post more frequent rather that not posting as much as I should. At the end of the day the blogs that I produce for the different modules on this course are my way of showing my findings and my method of thinking / way of working and producing work, I need to be able to show all of these things in their best way, so blogging more frequently is a good way to do this.

I have started to post updates more often that I have done previously, although I sometimes haven't actually posted anything I have gathered information and written it up ready to be added onto my blog, whether it be saved via draft of written up elsewhere ready to be copy, pasted and published.

Updating my blog more often was something that I felt I needed to be on top of when it came to the module titled 'Advanced Photographic Practice' this is due to how I needed to be very informative and post all of my findings and research as well as the progress I made throughout the assignment so that my methodology and thought process could be seen and understood quite clearly and the get my point' across in the simplest way possible. 

Again this is something that I have tried to do more often on this blog as well, I have thought about the different points that I want to make and the type of posts that I could put together, basically I have started to forward plan a lot more and think about what it is that I need to write within the posts that I publish, as well as how often I am posting these things. I have so far managed to post more frequently on this blog, even though I haven't publish loads of post I have been updating it with information more often that I usually would, trying to keep up to date with the work I have done as it progresses.

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