Friday 29 November 2013


One of the point mentioned on my PDP is that I want to update my photography portfolio.
 Whenever i take new photographs I tend to sort through them and put them straight onto my online portfolio which is on Flickr. ( Yes, this is useful for people who browse the Internet or people who want a digital portfolio but not all people want to look at work digitally, physical portfolios are always wanted.

I have been meaning to update my physical portfolio for a long time but never seemed to get round to doing it and this was the perfect opportunity for me to actually do it.  I had quite a lot of photographs in my previous portfolio but I scrapped all of them as I don't feel that they are good enough and are of a high enough standard at this point, so I felt it was better to start totally from scratch and go for my most recent work's that were of better quality and show more of the area that I am interested in and want to focus on in the future.

I started by looking through all of my photographs, focusing on the most recent ones where my work is better developed through the practice that I have had. I scrolled through Flickr and also looked over all of the recent files that I have put together with my photographs in.

I selected a certain amount of photographs that I feel are better and more successful than others and send an order through to DS colour labs to get these photographs printed.

One thing that I noticed when I was looking through all of my photos is that I have always known exactly what it is that I am interested in and what I want to photograph - but one thing that has changed is the way that I am photographing things. I am paying a lot more attention to the little detail and concentrating more on the framing and contents of the images which is a good thing cause the images need to have a meaning and significance to create an impact.

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