Sunday 8 December 2013

5 development points

So the five different things that i have focused on in this PDP are learning how to use Adobe Premiere, reading more books, updating my portfolio, keeping up to date with blogging and better organisation.

Software - Adobe Premiere.

This was the first point on my PDP and also the first development that i completed. I managed to achieve this development point quite early on as I had to use this software to produce a video for another module that was running at the time Like i have said within the posts previous that discuss the software use I now feel confident in using the software to put together, but obviously there is always new stuff to get to grips with on software. The main reason for including that point was because i don't really know how to use any software accept to Photoshop and I want to expand on my existing skills by learning how to use different software which will definitely come in handy in the future!

Reading more book.

I wanted to include this point because even though i read, i don't tend to read enough. This is something that I have realised since starting back in September, I guess i'm not as clued up on everything as I should be for a third year photography student. The reading of books and research is something that I will be doing forever within the field, there is always room to gain new knowledge and understanding and this is why i have left the point as a continuous one, one that I will be expanding on in the future. Through the period of this module I have managed to learn more about different photographers and learn to put names to photographs - this is something that I tend to struggle with purely for the fact i find it hard to take in information sometimes, so reading books is definitely a good point to be in my PDP and one to carry on with!

Updating my portfolio.

Again this is a point that I am going to continue to work on as I am not at a point where i am happy with my current portfolio. I currently have a physical one but i am most probably going to turn it into a digital one that is easily accessible via the Internet. To do this i need to decide on the space that i want to use to host my portfolio, one that will work the best and one that i can make my own and have it exactly how i want it. Again this is a point that i am going to continue working on until i finish university next year, hopefully i will have it completed within the next few months!

Keeping up to date with blogging.

This is one development point that i have found very good, it has prompted me to keep up to date with posting all of the work and things that I have done, i have definitely been updating my blog more often because of this point being on my PDP, and it is now something that i have started doing regularly so i will find it easier to keep on top of posting for future assignments. I think i started to get a little bit lazy with blogging and now it is something that i will do when it needs to be done rather than letting things bulk up and accumulate over time.


Putting this as one of my development points in my PDP has been rather useful, at the start of uni i tended to be quite organised and good with everything but i kind of stopped and didn't have the best organisation for quite some time. It's safe to say that now i am back to being organised with everything, i know exactly what needs to be done and when, i'm more aware of the time frames that I have to complete certain things and I have started forward planning a lot more and setting my self times to do certain things and days to focus on certain assignments so that i can get everything done for when it is needed.

Final PDP!

What are my development

[what skills, knowledge or experience am I missing?]
What activities do I need to undertake to achieve my objectives?

What support/resources do I need to achieve my objectives?

[what can the course offer?]
Target date for achieving my objectives
Actual date of achieving my  objectives
Developing skills on different software - Adobe Premiere

Learning how to use the software and the way it works. Experimenting with the different features it has and learning how to develop my own videos.
Basic training on how to use the software and then the time to experiment with its features.
1st November 2013
30th October 2013
Reading more books.
Read different books with different subject matters to gain more knowledge.
Access to books from the library, lots of books with different subject matters.
Ongoing(In progress)
(In progress)
Update photography portfolio.

Go through all of my photographs, get them printed to see what will work to showcase my work.
Good quality prints to go within a decent portfolio.
July 2014 (graduation)
July 2014 (graduation)
Keeping up to date with blogging.

Regularly update my blog's keeping them up to date with  the work that I am doing.
Getting online more often and updating my blog' frequently adding the different things that I have learnt.
December 2013
2nd December 2013
Better organisation with work

Writing myself notes and to do lists on what I need to do work wise.
Checking these to do lists and completing the things that need doing to keep on top of my work load and to make sure that I complete it to its best standard.
12th December 2013
5th December 2013

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