Saturday 7 December 2013

Digital portfolio vs Physical portfolio

I have been thinking quite a bit about the type of portfolio that I would like to have put together by the time I leave university next year. Initially I liked the thought of having a physical portfolio that can be handled and passed around and well looked at, but maybe that is not the best way to go in considering the type of photography that I intend to produce once I have graduated and am out in the big wide world.

Even though I say this, I still want to have a physical one as well, as different types fit different situations, people prefer different things so its better to have both over just one. But with the physical portfolio the thing that I need to decide is how to show my work, things like the size's of the images and how they will be displayed.

My photographs are nature and landscape based imagery and art sometimes quite arty and abstract to i think they could possible look better in digital format rather than print. 

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