Thursday 5 December 2013

A lot more organised!!!

One of this points stated on my PDP is that I want to be more organised when it comes to my work and getting things done, over the past few weeks this is something that i have been working on. In the past I have usually been quite organised but throughout the past few months since being back at university I have been finding it hard to get back into that routine that I normally have with my work.

One way that I have been being more organised is by writing my self to do lists every few days or weeks to see what different things I need to do and the work that needs to be done in certain time frames, I find that when I write the same to do list over and over again it prompts me to do things. These to do list have definitely helped me to keep on top of everything which is really good!

With organisation of all my work papers and things not being the best I have become more organised in that respect as well. I have done this by regularly going through all of the different papers and things that I have for all the different modules that I am doing and organising them into piles and separating them so I know what is what and where everything is.

The module that this has been most beneficial for is my dissertation, I have a huge amount of papers that I have printed out for research and they have accumulated into a massive mess of papers. But that is no longer a mess as I have organised them into different categories such as journals, articles and books so that I know what is where. This is definitely better that having everything all over the place like they were before.

Organizing my time is also one things that I have started to do more of, I have started to set myself certain times in which I need to do work so that I can keep on top of it all and not let the work load get too heavy at one time. It's been beneficial because there has been a lot of research to do for my dissertation, by setting myself times in which I need to do work/ research I have been able to get to a point where I have a nice decent amount of research so I can start getting on with my dissertation. Organizing my time has been a general thing with all modules, I feel it has been beneficial putting it on my PDP because it is something that I needed to do to ensure that my work is getting done, and by having it there on my PDP it has prompted me to do it.

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