Tuesday 3 December 2013

Putting my portfolio together!

I received to photographs that I ordered the other day so that I could put together a new photography portfolio and I really like how these images look when they are printed, i guess its not so great that I haven't had any of my most recent images printed until now!

When I was going through my photos I was aware that some of my photos are quite similar in respect to showing the same type of thing but in my eyes, each image is different and has its own individual qualities.

I lay all of the photographs out on the floor around me so I could see them all against each other and see what images would work on a double page together the best and trying to figure out the best order to put them in so that they would flow from photo to photo and not be all jumbled up and all over the place.

After looking at the images for a good 10 minutes and thinking about different orders and looking at all the colours and things like that I had managed to see what images tended to work better together and come up with a good order to put them into in my portfolio.

The portfolio folder that I have at this current moment is not a proper portfolio as they would say. One thing that I need to do is invest in a proper portfolio for the future but this is something I will focus on later on.

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