Friday 6 December 2013

Feedback session...

The other day we had a feedback session on portfolios, I found this session very useful in respect to giving me a bit of information on what type of portfolio I could do with having to present my work to its best standard.

I listened to all of the feedback that was given to all of my peers and noted the different types of portfolios and ways of presenting their work i.e online blogs and websites.

I have all of my photographs on an online space which is Flickr, I pretty much use this as my online portfolio and if someone wanted to see my work this is where I would direct them too, I no know that this is not something that I should class as an online portfolio as its not very definitive and there is a variety of different things on there  - although everything is nature an landscape based which is where my interest lies within the photographic field.

Something that I noted when receiving the feedback on my portfolio was whether a digital portfolio would be better presented than a physical portfolio. I have always liked the idea of having a digital portfolio as it can be easily updates and alteres just as quickly if not quicker than having photographs developed. But for some reason I have always been drawn to a physical one, I think this is mainly because I like to get a proper feel for the photograph and see all of the little details which sometimes can't be seen as much when a photograph is just in a digital form.

As well as this I feel that different people prefer a different type of portfolio, one may prefer a physical one and someone else might prefer it in a digital form, it just depends on the persons preference.

I am definitely going to think a lot more about my portfolio and the different types that I could have whether it be digital or physical, I may end up coming to a point in which that I feel both types are necessary for different reasons.

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